Banner for Building the Scene of Dis slash a slash ssociation by Zach Nicol

Building the Scene of Dis/a/ssociation by Zach Nicol

by Dance

Dance Community Dance Dance Center Everyone

Fri, Mar 14, 2025

10:30 AM – 12 PM CDT (GMT-5)

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This workshop considers states of dissociation and alienation felt in the body and produced in the social realm. We will use durational group improvisation and seek to consciously embody divergence and opposition. We will explore registers of disconnection, dissonance, and detachment in our movement.

We will lose focus and use attention, assemble a method to make our oppositions physical, and build a group scene by giving form to these impulses in close proximity. We will think about form and composition in this space of negativity and contrast.

We will question the impulse to find connection, communion, and pleasure in our movement, and ask what new relations open up as we witness and resist each Other. We will feel in the dark, navigate internal and external stimuli, and fall into overwhelm while improvising. We will use a percussive and loud sound score. We will foreclose the pleasures of dancing “together,” and discuss what it means to produce an antagonistic sociality through dance. What do modes of resistance and refusal offer us aesthetically, socially, and politically?

This is a space of inquiry, please bring a notebook, comfortable clothes, and a desire to articulate your experience.