Date: November 29, 2022
Subject: Looking Forward to the End of Semester!

Hi First_Name,

The end is almost here!

And no, we don't mean the end of the world. Fall semester is wrapping up and we couldn't be happier! Congrats to everyone for sticking it out and thank you to those who stuck with Varying Visions and made it the group it is now. We'll admit, we had some setbacks we had to power through and some changes had to be made (not to mention we're trying to find our footing since we're fairly new to campus), but we're hoping to come back stronger in the spring. With that being said:

We only have two meetings left this semester: Sunday, December 4th on Zoom and Tuesday, December 13th at the Student Center. We're currently planning to co-host Tuesday's meeting with Audio Drama Club and have an end of the semester get together of sorts. We'll have games and snacks, and Audio Drama Club will present an original audio drama they've been working on all semester! An event has been created for this meeting but has yet to approved; we encourage you to RSVP once it's ready.

Also, we're considering filling some extra positions for our E-Board (hopefully for spring). Our current officers agree that having a designated treasurer and secretary will be very helpful going forward. If we can't fill them for next semester, we'll most certainly have them open for next year. It'll depend on when we're able to create an "application" and solidify the responsibilities of these roles. Once we do, anyone interested in a leadership position (that can look good on a resume!) may fill out the form, and we'll go from there!

Thanks again! Winter break is around the corner; power through these last few weeks!

Varying Visions Meeting Logo


Varying Visions Meeting

Sunday, December 4, 2022
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Event
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Join us as we discuss topics and issues pertaining to disabilities and ways to destigmatize society's perception of individuals with conditions that affect their daily lives in some way, shape, or form. Through casual yet informative discussion, you'll have the chance to share your experiences and thoughts on these matters while learning about disabilities as told by those who have them.