Date: September 8, 2022
Subject: Varying Visions First Meeting!

Hello and Welcome to Varying Visions!

We're excited to kick off the school year as a brand new student organization here at Columbia. If you are receiving this email, that means you have either joined or have been added (if you signed up at Convocation) to our group page on Engage. Whether you're an officer, a member, or just wanna see what we're about, we're glad to have you!
Our first official meeting will be held on Zoom on Sunday, September 11th at 4pm. We hope you will be able to join us, even for a little bit! The Zoom information is provided below (it's also available on the Engage Portal under Events):

Topic: Varying Visions Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 7892 7217

Also, please check us out on our social media if you haven't already. We'll be making announcements about upcoming meetings and posting links there: (or search for Varying Visions; we're also on Columbia's Discord hub)
Varying Visions (@varyingvisions) • Instagram photos and videos

We'll be going over what we've got lined up, as well as meeting one another and taking you all through our calendar of meeting dates to give everyone an idea of what we want to accomplish this year (don't worry, it'll be a chill, casual session). We hope many of you will stick around this year to support a new organization and a good cause. It's because of your help during our early founding stages that we have become what we are today, so thank you!

Embrace your disability

Weekly Meeting--Zoom Logo


Weekly Meeting--Zoom

Sunday, September 11, 2022
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Event
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Varying Visions will be hosting its first meeting of the year over Zoom. All are welcome to attend, whether as a member or just to learn more about the organization (in case you're on the fence about joining). Meet the officers of Varying Visions and connect with other students! We will be going through Varying Visions' purpose, our proposed meeting calendar, and cover policies that are in place to ensure our meetings are safe, comfortable, and inclusive. See you there!