Welcome to the Student Organization Council (SOC) website!

About Us

The mission of the Student Organization Council (SOC) is to provide student organizations and their members the support and resources needed to accomplish their goals. SOC is dedicated to building a stronger campus community by providing club members with opportunities to grow personally, professionally and artistically.

Visit us: You can locate the team at the Student Center, 754 S. Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor (Open office area)

Call us: 312-369-6656 (Closed during school breaks, summer, and weekends)




The SOC is comprised of one member of each of the recognized student organizations. The SOC's executive board consists of a President, Community Director, and Finance Director.

SOC meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 5 pm in the Student Center 2nd Floor Boardroom. Meetings are open to all Columbia College Chicago students, faculty, and staff.









Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop.


Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

SOC President Profile

SOC President

SOC Vice President Profile

SOC Vice President

SOC Programming Profile

SOC Programming

Programming Director
SOC Community Profile

SOC Community

Community Director
Paige Johnson Profile

Paige Johnson

Brady German Profile

Brady German

Harry Danz Profile

Harry Danz

Finance Director
Alec Richard Cummings Profile

Alec Richard Cummings

Programming Director
Emma Hitch Profile

Emma Hitch

Community Director
Allen Lucas Profile

Allen Lucas

Carlos Diaz Profile

Carlos Diaz

Kristi Beltran Profile

Kristi Beltran

SGA Advisor

How to Start a Student Organization?

Follow these easy steps to create a new student organization!

Apply for recognition during the next open application period.

Find at least 5 students who want to be members of your organization and at least 3 of those students who are willing to be an executive board member.

Executive board members must maintain a 2.5 GPA.

Find a Columbia faculty or a staff member to be the advisor for your organization.

Create a constitution and a list of events or activities that your group would like to do.

Send your President and another executive board member to Student Organization Training.

Have fun!

Please reach out to our SOC President at: socpresident@colum.edu to express your interest and get started!

Requirements for Student Organizations:

Requirements for Recognized Student Organizations

A monthly report must be submitted to the SOC President. Must be submitted the last Monday of the month.

You must have a semesterly 1:1 with the SOC Community Director.

SOC Representatives must attend the SOC monthly meetings.

The organization must volunteer at two Student Organizations and Leadership Office approved event each academic year (i.e Wicked Week, Columbia Weekend, etc.).


Student Organization Council (SOC)

Chicago Illinois 60605
United States