Representatives from Columbia state that: "Columbia is bringing some formerly separate departments under one roof to take advantage of existing synergies, create more room for collaboration, and enhance students’ cross-disciplinary skills. The college will move from four schools comprised of 15 departments to eight schools that collectively will encompass the 15 former departments."
So what this means for you is that your network is about to expand tenfold! With collobaorating and coinciding departments merging, you have the oppurtunity to diversify your proffesional contacts and merge arts for stronger projects. For example, theater and dance will now share facilities! So if you are a stage director in dire need of a high kick, the dancers are just a couple floors away from helping you out! Here is a full list of the merging colleges and their new Interim Directors:
- School of Audio and Music: Associate Professor Ben Sutherland
- School of Business and Entrepreneurship: Associate Professor Gerardo Brindisi
- School of Communication, Culture and Society: Professor Ames Hawkins
- School of Design: Associate Professor Tom Dowd
- School of Fashion: Professor Colbey Reid
- School of Film and Television: Co-directors Associate Professor Eric Scholl and Professor Wenhwa Ts’ao
- School of Theatre and Dance: Professor Jimmy Noriega
- School of Visual Arts: Associate Professor Duncan MacKenzie
We thank you for all of our understanding as we try our best to better ourselves for your education. So go out there, meet new people, and make Columbia proud!