Welcome  Team Manifest!

Your hub to all Manifest information as Columbia prepares for the big day!

Information hub

  • This website will list information, deadlines, resources, protocols and updates about Manifest.
  • Download the app to easily access this group. For mobile devices, search "Columbia College Chicago" in the App Store (Apple) or Google Play Store (Android.)

Communication platform

  • Lookout for emails from manifest@colum.edu for updates!
  • Use the General Channel Feed if you have questions for Team Manifest or have announcements or questions for other Manifest Liaisons.


4 - 9 p.m. | DEPARTMENT SHOWCASES | Campus Wide


1 - 1:30 p.m. | MANIFEST KICK-OFF | Main Lot by Student Center @ 722 S. Wabash

1:30 - 8 p.m. | MAINSTAGE presented by the Student Programming Board + Student Orgs | Main Lot on Wabash

2 - 7 p.m. | MANIFRESH presented by EMP | Balbo Dr. and State St.

2 - 9 p.m. | DEPARTMENT SHOWCASES | Campus Wide


  • Main Lot that includes the Mainstage and SPB Activities, on the north side of the Student Center
  • ManiFresh in the L-Lot on Balbo and State
  • Activations in the Garden at Wabash and 11th St
  • 12 Campus buildings along Michigan and Wabash

Download your Manifest map here!

Manifest Mission

Manifest is Columbia College Chicago's student driven event that showcases graduating students' work. As an annual tradition and defining ritual, Manifest brings the entire community together to celebrate our creative spirit and develop long-lasting, memorable relationships and connections.


Manifest 2025 Theme: IMAGINE

Festival Goals

1. Create a sense of belonging within our community through shared experiences within the planning process and culminating festival- an event that is unique to Columbia College Chicago.

2. Empower students to actively hone their academic learning by real-world practice, deepening their knowledge and skillsets through the application of their disciplines.

3. Showcase Columbia talent to industry professionals, launching students towards their careers and creative journeys.